About Batt
Name? | Batt
Age? 21 {22 on feb 4, 2025}
Gender? | Born female but i’m genderfluid {she/he/they} and have been feeling a lot more in touch with my boyish femininity{femboy behavior}
Height? | 5’2 1/2
Astrology? | 🌞/ ♒️, 🌜/♓️, ⬆️/♐️
Sub, switch, or dom lean? | Switch {sub++}
Hobbies? | Anything Artsy, adventures, shows, movies, music, video games, hentai/anime, etc
Anything else? | ima pansexual wannabe femboy who is Thicc n short, Mainly a big baby, obvi a big softie but will go hard if needed, Im a pet player, my kinned animals are; bunny🐰, kitty🐱, puppy🐶, fox🦊, panda🐼, bat🦇, wolf🐺, baby deer🦌 (𝔢𝔱𝔠)
++ | This Carrdd is for my kink/Sw accounts!
(I keep my kink/Sw and other accounts separated from eachother for my safety and comfort :3)
send code: 🦇 or (bat) if you have read this
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